If We Give Our All To Him, He Wastes Nothing
10th November 2024 ( Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time )
[ 1 Kings 17:10-16 , Hebrews 9:24-28 , Mark 12:38-44 ]
Jesus’ comment on the widow’s mite shows how divine logic overturns our human ways of thought. God looks at the heart. The others were content to give God some of their overflow, having provided sufficiently for themselves and impressing others along the way, not knowing that God isn’t impressed with self-praise. However, this woman gave to God all that she had, out of her whole livelihood and substance. Her reckless generosity parallels the self-emptying generosity of God. The widow’s mite in the Gospel shows us that, with God, nothing is wasted if we entrust everything to Him, knowing that He will provide, in His time, will, and providence, every apt good and blessing, both material and spiritual if only we entrust everything to Him in a spirit of detachment. May the example of the widow help us to realize that, if we give our all to Him, He wastes nothing that we give to Him.
Weekly Masses
Mon - Fri: 6.30am, 6pm
Saturday: 6.30am, 5:30pm
Sunday: 7am, 8:15am (Mandarin), 9.45am, 11:30am, 5:30pm
Public Holiday (Mon - Fri): 7.30am only
Monthly Masses
Bahasa Indonesia: 1st Friday, 8pm
Tamil: 2nd Sunday, 7pm
Tagalog: 4th Sunday, 3pm
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Parish Office Opening Hours
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri:
9 am to 12 noon, 1 pm to 4 pm
9 am to 12 noon
8 am to 1 pm
Parish Secretariat: 6253 2166
Fr Brian D'Souza: 6255 7509
Fr John Chen: 6253 8622
Fr Arun Bellarmin: 6352 8737
Media Centre (Apostolate of Media)
Opening hours:
Tuesday & Friday 12 noon to 4pm
Saturday 12 noon to 7 pm
Sunday 8 am to 1 pm
Tel: 63565958
Adoration Room
Opening hours:
Monday: 12.00pm to 10.00pm
Tuesday to Friday: 7.00am to 10.00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 7.00am to 10.00pm
Public Holidays: 8.00am to 10.00pm
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