The Eucharist Foretold

28th July 2024 ( Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time )

[ 2 Kings 4:42-44 , Ephesians 4:1-6 , John 6:1-15 ]

Through most of Lectionary Cycle B, our Sunday Gospel readings are taken from the Gospel of Mark. If we were to continue reading Mark's Gospel, we would next hear his report of how Jesus fed the crowds in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. Our Lectionary, however, leaves Mark’s Gospel for the next several weeks and instead presents the Bread of Life discourse from John’s Gospel. The multiplication of loaves and fishes is narrated in all four Gospels in substantially the same form with minor variations of place and circumstance. Interestingly, John’s account resembles that of Mark without Mark’s account of the second multiplication. John’s account intends to remind the reader of the importance of the Eucharist since he alone uses the verb eucharisteo, which points to the sacrament. The account also has some elements of how Elisha fed the people with barley loaves. Let us then thank the Lord for this great sacrament that feeds us on this pilgrimage of life till we breathe our last. 


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