VINTAGE Care Group


Vintage Group started in 2005 to gather our Senior Parishioners to participate in Activities, learning Exercises and new Skills.


Vintage Ministry focus on 3 core Values – Spiritual, Social and Educational.

SPIRITUAL- We have devotional Prayers on the Rosary or Divine Mercy. In prayers we bring unity to the Body of Christ through direct and indirect Evangelization.

SOCIAL- We implemented Line dancing, Exercises, Handicrafts and Rummy-O Card Game to keep seniors mind actively engaged.

EDUCATIONAL- Talks are conducted on ageing Wellness and Medical Problems by Professionals or Doctors. Our previous Talks includes Eye Screening, Hearing, Orthopaedic Surgery (Joints and knees) and preventing Dementia.

Who can join

Parishioners aged 55+ and above are invited to join our Ministry.

Youth Parishioners who are able to assist us In Activities for seniors please contact us.


Every Wednesday we meet in the Parish Hall from 10.30am to 3.30pm


Representative: Peggy Lim
