
Parish Updates

Registration for Level 1 Catechesis 2025

Registration for Level 1 Catechesis 2025 is open from 1st October to 15th November 2024. Parents with Primary 1 children who wish to register their child for parish catechesis, do register via https://mycatholic.sg/catch You will need to register your child’s account first before proceeding.

Priority will be given to parishioners of Risen Christ and/or children who have older siblings attending catechesis here. If you have further queries, please send an email to catechists@risenchrist.org.sg together with your contact number.

For guidelines on how to register, please refer to this document.

CATCH 3.1 User Guide.pdf

We also welcome parents and parishioners who may wish to volunteer your time and talents to the Catechetical Ministry. Do visit our webpage for more information. Scan this QR code is you feel the nudge from God to journey with our youths and children.