Lay Apostolate Community
Brief History
The Mandarin Lay Apostolate Community consists of various ministries including:
Media and Communications 宣传与联络组
Mandarin Sodality 守灵组
Liturgical Ministry 礼仪组
LOM (4 presidium) 圣母军
Migrant Group 客工、新移民组
NCC 基督信仰小团体
Bible sharing 圣经研读
Wardens 理堂员
Rosary Chant Group 咏唱玫瑰经
Choir 歌咏团
RCIA 慕道团
Outreach 对外组
Canteen 食堂组
Spirituality Ministry 灵修组
Divine Mercy 上主慈悲
Christian Family and Social Movement 家社
Evangelisation Ministry 福传组
Our current Spiritual Director is Rev Fr John Chen Binshan.
The various ministries cater to the pastoral needs of the mandarin-speaking parishioners in Church of the Risen Christ and work closely with the Archdiocesan Commission for the Mandarin-Speaking and with Mandarin Apostolate from other Parishes to bring formation and outreach programmes to our parishioners.
Who can Join
Mandarin speaking Catholics
1st Thursday on alternate months
Chairperson: Kathleen Mary Sim 沈思怡
Tel: 89302610