Catechetical Ministry
In catechesis, faith cannot be transmitted as one would transmit human knowledge in teaching. We cannot teach faith because “faith is a gift of God, a supernatural virtue infused by Him.” (CCC 153.) So then, we might ask how does catechesis transmit this supernatural knowledge? We are reminded that our faith is (to be) “communicated from one generation to another through a living and active Tradition” (Catechesi Tradendae, CT 22)
Parish based catechesis
Primary Levels
Here at Risen Christ, parish-based catechesis begins at Level 1 (Primary 1 or 7 years old). The children will be prepared to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation at Level 2 and First Holy Communion at Level 3 (Primary 3). At Level 6 (Primary 6) the children will experience a 2-day retreat to mark the end of their Primary years and go on to Confirmation Levels.
Confirmation Levels
The journey towards the Sacrament of Confirmation begins at Level 7 and continues until Level 11. The 5-year Confirmation program includes service and outreach projects, retreats, parish ministry attachments, Bible sharings and building up small youth communities among the youths in the future.
Bridging Catechesis
If you have a child from Primary 3 to Secondary 1 (9-13 years old) and who:
Is baptised but never had formal catechesis and wishes to start,
Comes from overseas with no formal catechesis,
Is unbaptised and wishes to be baptised and will join catechesis thereafter
you may consider placing your child in the OFC Bridging Program.
Catechetical Sessions 2024
Level 1 to Level 7
Saturday: 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Sunday: 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Level 8 to Level 9
(Session 1) 1.30pm to 3.00pm
(Session 2) 3.30pm to 5.00pm
(Session 3) 2.00pm - 3.30pm
An Invitation
The pedagogy of faith extends beyond transmission of knowledge - it calls for a conversion of the heart with the help of grace, so that we live a fully mature Christian life. Are you willing to
accompany and journey with our young persons on their faith formation?
share your love for Scripture and the teachings of our Catholic faith with our young persons?
be open to on-going training in faith formation for children and youth catehesis?
Find your calling through our exciting and enriching ministry via
Overall Co-Ordinator: Nora Fernandez
Admin Co-Ordinator: Patricia Andre
For enquiries, please email together with your name and contact number to