Ministry to the Sick
Brief History
This Ministry was started in 1991 by our late Reverend Fr Louis Loiseau MEP, to address the need of reaching out to the sick/elderly parishioners who were unable to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion.
Members will go in pairs. Visitation timings are flexible, either during the day or night depending on members’ availability.
In Union with the Sacred Heart of JESUS, we journey with the sick & the elderly, encouraging & advocating hope in the Lord’s mercy & compassion.
Role of Ministry
Visiting the elderly, sick & home bound staying within our Parish Boundary
Reading scriptures as well as chatting with them
Praying with & for the sick, either in their homes or hospitals
Conveying their needs (eg : financial needs, requesting for Anointing of the Sick etc ) to the respective Ministries concerned
Assist in other matters when necessary: running errands, accompany the sick/elderly for their doctors’ appointments
Organising Christmas carolling & bringing the Christmas Spirit to the sick/elderly
Who can join
Anyone regardless of age.
Bi-monthly on 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in St Mark’s room